Termites and air conditioning

Termites, also known as omnivores, are insects widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. They are social insects that live in colonies. Individual colonies form nests both in dead trees and underground and above ground. Above-ground nests reach 4 to 5 metres in height, with several metres more hidden underground. The structures are made up of droppings, dirt and the bodies of dead individuals, and are held together by saliva. The nests are kept at a constant temperature and humidity. This is made possible by the typical architecture. The main chimneys extend from the underground parts to the top of the nest, interspersed with side shafts. Moist and cooler air is thus drawn in from the ground and is led upwards through the nest. The temperature in the termite house never exceeds 23°C. The termites themselves also contribute to the air conditioning by opening or sealing the openings from the chimneys as needed.

Inspirational dragonflies

Dragonflies have become the inspiration for solving the overloading problems of supersonic aircraft pilots. When such a plane took off, the person's blood was pooled in the lower part of the body and the brain lacked oxygen. The human shell is not built for overload. A dragonfly can take many times the overload of a human. The difference between a dragonfly and a human that causes this is the functioning of the vascular system. In the human body, the blood is enclosed in blood vessels; in the dragonfly's body, the haemolymph spreads freely to form a fluid envelope for the organs. And that's how the so-called antigravity suit was created. It incorporates water-filled tubes that create a similar fluid envelope to that of the dragonfly.

The power of insects

The average person can lift about 80% of their own weight. The highest weight lifted by a human is 266 kg, at this feat it was almost double his weight. And what about insects? The average ant (weight 0.003 g) can carry an object weighing 0.15 g, which is fifty times its weight. Among the greatest strongmen of the insect kingdom is the Hercules Antilles beetle, and the strongest ever is a beetle called the leonine beetle. It has been proven to be able to pull up to 1141 times its own weight. It uses its strength to push rival males out of their burrows to mate with the female.

Magic Hexagons

Everyone is familiar with the typical hexagons that make up a honeycomb. The structure of the hexagons allows bees to store honey using the least amount of wax. In addition, they divide the surface area more economically than any other geometric shape, so the comb can hold the maximum amount of honey. This structure is very strong and also flexible. This fact has become the basis for the manufacture of many products in countless industries. The efficiency of honeycombs has inspired mankind in the construction of buildings, the transport of materials, storage, the production of nanofibres and the materials used to make cars, planes or snowboards...

Vytvořil Shoptet | Design