Why eat crickets?

Crickets - the little heroes of our diet

Do you like adventure? Are you an adventurous gourmet who is not just looking for ordinary flavours, but likes to discover new and unusual delicacies? Then you will certainly be interested in the latest trend in the world of gastronomy. Imagine that superfoods are small and fragile creatures that are just a short distance from your home. Yes, we mean crickets! You may have only seen crickets on chirping summer evenings so far, but what if we told you that you could start eating them as part of your regular diet? Get ready to discover some surprising benefits and interesting facts about cricket consumption!

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Why eat crickets? There are several reasons why we should start adding crickets to our diets:

An excellent source of protein

Crickets are a rich source of protein, which is essential for building our tissues. Compared to beef steak, crickets contain almost the same amount of protein but less fat. They also contain all the essential amino acids that our bodies cannot synthesize on their own. Thanks to them, they support the proper function of the immune system and wound healing. Crickets are also rich in enzymes that support digestion and metabolism, and provide powerful antioxidant properties.

High-quality nutritional composition

Crickets are also a rich source of essential amino acids, which our bodies need but cannot make themselves. These amino acids are essential for many vital functions in the body and can help in muscle recovery, promoting healthy digestion and maintaining good skin and hair condition.

Another benefit of crickets is their high iron content. Iron is important for the proper production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to our cells. Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue, general weakness, and even anemia. Crickets can help prevent these problems.

Crickets are also a rich source of minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc. Calcium is important for bone and dental health, potassium is a key mineral for maintaining proper heart rhythm and regulating blood pressure, while zinc is important for proper immune system function, wound healing and maintaining healthy skin.

Ecological benefits 

Nowadays, sustainability is very important. Cricket farming is much more environmentally friendly than conventional livestock production. Crickets need less land, water and food compared to cattle or poultry. They also do not require the use of antibiotics or hormones that are commonly used in intensive livestock farming.

Crickets have a short reproductive period and reproduce very quickly, which means that their farming is energy efficient. We don't have to wait years for crickets to reproduce, allowing for a quick and sustainable food source.


Now that you know the reasons why you should consider eating crickets, let's take a look at a few interesting facts:

History and culture

Crickets are a traditional part of the diet in several cultures around the world, and their consumption has a long history. For example, in some areas in Asia, Africa and Latin America, crickets are a traditional food source that has been eaten for thousands of years.

In Chinese cuisine, crickets are used in a variety of dishes such as soups, sauces or stir-fried dishes. They are considered a delicacy and are sought after for their exceptional taste and pleasant texture. In Thailand, crickets are often fried and sprinkled with spicy powder, a popular delicacy for locals and tourists alike.

Crickets are also found in Mexican cuisine, particularly in the Oaxaca region. There, grilled crickets are served with limes and salt. They are a popular snack when watching sports matches and have a crunchy texture and spicy flavour.

Interestingly, crickets are not only eaten in exotic countries. In recent years, cricket consumption has also become a trend in Western countries. Crickets are used as ingredients in energy bars, pastries or pasta. The production of cricket protein powders is becoming a common practice for the production of nutritional supplements and proteins intended for athletes.

There are also many interesting experiments with cricket dishes. For example, in some restaurants, crickets are served as appetizers in various forms, such as fried cricket sandwiches or cricket guacamole. Crickets are proving to be a versatile ingredient that can enrich a variety of dishes.

It is fascinating to see how cricket eating is becoming part of the modern culinary scene and how new possibilities are opening up for the use of these little creatures in the diet.



As a superfood, crickets offer many benefits as they are a rich source of protein, essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They are environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Although it may seem unusual to eat insects, crickets have great potential to become a sustainable and healthy food source for the future. Perhaps it's time to take on new gastronomic challenges and start incorporating crickets into our diets.

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